photo of a child using scissors at a table

Kindergarten Readiness Checklist

Kindergarten and primary school readiness checklist for parents.

Language, math, social and practical skills.

Language Skills

  • 1. Recognizes their own name when it is spoken
  • 2. Can identify their name in print
  • 3. Can say their own full name
  • 4. Knows how old they are
  • 6. Matches some letter sounds to letters
  • 7. Recognizes 12 or more different letters and can name them
  • 8. Can understand that there are describing words like small, big, heavy, fluffy
  • 9. Understands that some words rhyme
  • 10. Recognizes common words and signs like open and stop
  • 11. Can describe their own experiences in a clear manner
  • 12. Draws or uses pictures to tell a story
  • 13. Has the ability to name and recognize 6 colors
  • 14. Can repeat or join in with common nursery rhymes
  • 15. Can follow instructions with 2 or more steps
  • 16. Can say something in reply to simple questions like who, what, when, and where
  • 17. Uses words to clearly create a story
  • 18. Holds, opens, and looks at a book correctly
  • 19. Shows interest in reading and being able to read
  • 20. Can deduce and suggest a book's plot based on its cover
  • 21. Can retell a simple story
  • 22. Can listen in a manner that is suitable in the circumstances
  • 23. Speaks in a clear manner
  • 24. Is curious about how things work or why they don't

Math Skills

  • 25. Can identify the numbers from 1 up to 10
  • 26. Can counts objects from 1 to 10
  • 27. Knows the order of numbers from 1 to 10
  • 28. Matches items that go together
  • 29. Can sort objects by color, size, and shape
  • 30. Can repeat a simple pattern
  • 31. Can match 2 of the same objects
  • 32. Can order 3 things in a sequence
  • 33. Can show greater than and less than by using objects
  • 34. Knows that a number represents an amount of things
  • 35. Can add and subtract simple numbers using objects
  • 36. Knows how to draw a plus or addition symbol
  • 37. Can name and draw shapes including triangles, circles, and rectangles

Social Skills

  • 38. Can start a conversation
  • 39. Has the ability to join in conversations
  • 40. Starts positive interactions with others
  • 41. Knows the concept of taking turns
  • 42. Can understand sharing
  • 43. Can play with others
  • 44. Can attempt to resolve conflicts with other children
  • 45. Expresses feelings appropriately
  • 46. Responds appropriately to the feelings of others
  • 47. Can use please and thank you appropriately
  • 48. Can express some feelings in words

Practical Skills

  • 49. Can use writing instruments like a pencil or paintbrush with a degree of control
  • 50. Can use scissors safely
  • 51. Can get dressed - including buttoning of clothes
  • 52. Can use the bathroom including washing hands
  • 53. Put on own shoes without assistance - slip-on, Velcro, not including tying laces
  • 54. Can run a short distance
  • 54. Can run a short distance
  • 55. Can hop on any leg
  • 56. Throw a ball or bean bag
  • 57. Can catch
  • 58. Can bounce a ball
  • 59. Jump on the spot or a short distance

rocket go This is not an exhaustive list, it is just a rough guide.
A child may be able to do some or all of these.
Kindergarten is a place where these things are learned and further practiced.

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