Letter x Worksheets
Worksheets for preschool, kindergarten, reception, early elementary and primary
Printable practice for letter x

Here is a version with the word 'colour' instead of 'color'.

About This Worksheet
This is a worksheet for the letter x.
It is for the lower case x.
Designed to aid children in learning to read
by helping them to recognize the letter sounds
with the aim to eventually blend lots of them together to make words.
This will aid in the early development of reading and writing.
This simple worksheet can help reinforce verbal lessons that have been taught previously.
One example of a verbal lesson is playing 'I spy' with the letter x.
The letter x can be a the beginning or end of the word.
Makes it much easier!
This worksheet has three sections
- Color the letter x
- Trace around the letter x
- Find the objects that begin or end with the letter x
This worksheet has a drawing of a fox, cloud, x-box controller, box, x-ray, and a net.
It is black and white to save on color ink.
It's a free printable download.
It is good for printing out and coloring too.
It will help familiarize the letter x and how to write it.
It helps to introduce the phoneme and grapheme x.
A phoneme is a sound that the letter or groups of letters make.
The grapheme is the written letter.
For example the letter 'x' in this worksheet.
x-ray and, x-box are examples
of the a phoneme at the beginning of the word.
Age range 4+
There is a version with the word 'color' replaced
with the UK spelling of 'colour'.
More letter x printable worksheets
Play a Letter Game
A matching game
using the letters
s,a,t,p,i and n
Why satpin?.
This useful combination of letters,
is taught in early phonics,
as they produce many cvc words
(cvc is consonant vowel consonant)
such as sat, pin, pat, tin, tap.
Play an online 'match the letters game'
including the letter p.
Free to play using major browsers.